(303) 726-8279

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Strength training gives guys this body

“All my life I have always worked out and played sports, but I never really achieved the results I was looking for. I never considered myself out of shape or “fat” but I wasn’t happy with where I was in my life with my body and how I looked. I approached Shape Plus Personal Training because I wanted to finally make a change in how I work out, look and feel.

My personal trainer Greg helped me reach my strength and weight loss goals in no time at all, and the results have been astonishing. I finally have been able to reach my goals of how I want to look and feel. The experience at Shape Plus has changed my life for the better. Having the accountability and looking forward to the workout with my personal trainer is the best part of my day, and has kept me coming back to Shape Plus week after week.

I have never been around such an amazing group of trainers and staff that are super supportive, extremely knowledgeable and overall committed to seeing you hit your goals. If you are looking for real life changing results in how you look and feel and want to get in the best shape of your life and have FUN doing it then I would highly recommend Shape Plus. It will be the best decision you ever make. “  Nick H.

*There’s no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary.*

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More Results – Before & After


Before I started training with Shape Plus, I was not the cliché scenario where I woke up overweight one morning and couldn’t recognize myself. I actively...

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