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Home » Our Trainers » Jenna
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Health
  • NPC Figure Competitor
  • 5 yrs Training Experience


Denver Personal Trainer

We are beyond stoked to introduce Jenna as a member of the Shape Plus Army.

Jenna aka “JAM” is a NASM certified trainer and was born and raised in Ohio, then later attended Miami University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Health in 2015.

She has always been extremely passionate about sports, and grew up playing soccer, basketball and softball.  In 2014, Jenna completed her first & only half-marathon (that makes her HALF Crazy!).  She also competed in her first NPC Figure Show in September of 2016.

Jenna’s hobbies include any and all sports at the park…especially some volleyball!  She absolutely LOVES Leg Day, and Jenna says that dead-lifts are her Jam! Jenna’s fitness level & physique are the result of perseverance and consistency, which she believes are key to achieving any goal.

Just as you will always see her smiling, Jenna likes to ensure that her clients also smile and laugh while they are working hard during their training sessions.

Jenna believes that Strong is the new Skinny, and she is undeniably a force to be reckoned with in & outside of the gym.

Badge showing personal trainer certifications

Highest Certified Trainers

At ShapePlus, our trainers work with individuals of different fitness levels, including injuries and limitations. In addition, our trainers maintain a current CPR/AED Certification from the American AED CPR Association and a NASM Personal Trainer certification or ACE Personal Trainer certification.


View Our Before and After Results!


Before I started training with Shape Plus, I was not the cliché scenario where I woke up overweight one morning and couldn’t recognize myself. I actively...

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